My Pet Peeve

As anyone with kids knows, every kid wants a pet. My eldest has been asking for a pet since he could say dog. I am allergic to cats and dogs, but that doesn’t bother him in the least. We gave him a goldfish when he was four and that appeased him for awhile. Until one…

New Year New Me

Growing up a Roman Catholic, I’ve always loved that feeling you get right after you step out of the confessional. 3 Our Fathers and 3 Hail Mary’s away from free at last, free at last, free at last! With my past transgressions absolved, I love that feeling of weightless and beginning anew. New Years Eve…

Wear Sunscreen

The record-breaking sunny weather of late has reminded me of Mary Schmich’s (Chicago Tribune) 1997 essay on “advice, like youth, is probably just wasted on the young” which was popularized when Baz Luhrmann set the words to the funky “Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen)” by Rozalla. Which, incidentally, is NOT available on iTunes in Canada….

Dress to Impress (Yourself)

In the floating years of high school, I regularly raided my mother’s closet to expand my meagre wardrobe, trying to impress the cool girls with something other than everygirl’s Mariposa. The result however, was that I dressed like a 40 year old virgin – color block dresses, sensible pumps and thick shoulder pads sewn into…