Hanging with Friends is not enough, I’m coming home

Two days in isolation (except for Facebook and Hanging with Friends) in Whistler can do strange things to a girl. I feel like I’ve taken a vow of silence, leaving my thoughts to have a battle of wits in my head. In between the fits and bursts of producing 5000 words these last 36 hours,…

Home Alone

It’s 10AM and the house is quiet, very quiet. A truck rumbles by a few streets over. The kettle is furiously boiling water for my morning tea. The dishwasher has been emptied and reloaded with the breakfast dishes, and the shrapnel created this morning by making the kids a nutritious, yummy, and green lunch has…

I love Tina Fey

I feel that if Tina Fey lived my neighbourhood we’d be great friends – swapping play dates, great shoes, sexy pose ideas(!) and witty sarcasm like nobody’s business. As reported on People.com (it’s like CNN, only more interesting), the mother/wife/actress/producer/comedienne/writer/multi-tasker Fey admits, “(As a mother) you need a lot of help, and you need not…

Facebook & Me

I am addicted to Facebook. I check it every morning, in between flipping pancakes and shouting “Hurry up kids! Breakfast is getting cold!” I leave my husband to pour the orange juice and mutter that I just need to check the morning news. In actuality, I’m checking the morning, midday, just before I have to…

Dress to Impress (Yourself)

In the floating years of high school, I regularly raided my mother’s closet to expand my meagre wardrobe, trying to impress the cool girls with something other than everygirl’s Mariposa. The result however, was that I dressed like a 40 year old virgin – color block dresses, sensible pumps and thick shoulder pads sewn into…